Cheryl Bristow Bodywork Services
You’re unique, your bodywork treatment should be too
The same for your horse. No two horses are the same and treatments shouldn’t be either.
I am certified in Zero Balancing and Bowen Therapy and also practice CranioSacral Therapy and any sessions I do with you or a horse may involve one, two, or three of these treatments.
Depending on what you tell me, what I see when I look at you or your horse, or how the body feels when we start the session, I decide what treatment, or combined treatment, is the most effective.
This way, I can handle issues as individual cases and treat them with the therapy I see giving the most benefit, as well as the treatment they prefer.
Safe for pregnant women, the injured, babies, and animals, all treatments are gentle, painless and designed to relax and heal WITH your body, not go against it in any way.
My sessions may help with specific complications relating to:
- Asthma
- Kidney, bladder, stomach and lung problems
- Arthritis
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
- Fibromyalgia
- Polymyalgia
- Concussions
People sessions: Please allow approx. 60-minutes per treatment
Horse sessions: Please allow slightly longer at 60-75 minutes per treatment
Zero Balancing
Best described as slow, soft stretching with some gentle pressure on certain points of the body, Zero Balancing is a highly enjoyable and relaxing, but extremely powerful, treatment.
It’s ideal for young or old, and those dealing with physical problems or struggling with intangible troubles.
Whether you’re in pain somewhere, suffering from a migraine or stress, or dealing with emotional trauma, ZB may help.
May help with:
- Chronic neck and back pain
- Pain and stiffness in all areas of the body
- Headaches or migraines
- Problems with posture or performance
- Stress and insomnia
- Physical or emotional trauma
- And more…
CranioSacral Therapy
You know how important your brain and spinal cord are to survival? Essential. So, the neural pathways, membranes and fluids surrounding them are crucial to your health and well-being, too.
CranioSacral Therapy works along this vital highway between your brain and spine, using a hands-on touch that is even more gentle and subtle than breathing.
This soft-touch (starting with about the weight of a 10-cent piece) technique is used to find and release any restrictions you may be carrying.
By freeing the central nervous system in this way and allowing it to perform at its best, CST has been shown to naturally reduce pain and stress and strengthen your resistance to disease.
But, hey! You don’t need to understand the science behind it, you just need to know it heals.
May help with:
- Chronic pain and fatigue
- Post-traumatic stress disorder and emotional difficulties
- Stress and tension-related problems
- Coordination and nervous system difficulties
- Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries
- Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders
- Neurovascular or immune disorders
- Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
- And more…
Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is similar to Zero Balancing and CranioSacral Therapy, in that it is a light, gentle, rolling movement.
It works on the connective tissues (fascia) and their muscles; the subtle movements I make over these help to release them, and allow your body to ‘self-correct’.
It too has huge benefits and is suitable for anyone – human or horse.
May help with:
- Neck and back pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Joint pain and issues
- Sports injuries
- Lymph and circulatory problems
- Emotional and physical problems
- And more…